What glorious moisture we’ve had in March! And there’s more to come next week. I don’t like winter, but I’ve been rejoicing with each snowstorm this year.
Spring CSA Shares
Starts are all seeded and ready to grow on until they come to your garden! They’ll be ready for pick-up during the last week of April. I’ll send out a notification.
If you didn’t place an order, nannie’s Annual Plant Sale will be held on Saturday, April 30 from 11-2 at Earthgoods. Save the date, but I’ll send out a reminder before that.
This is the 10th year of the Plant Sale. It started out as me setting up in front of Re-Threads on Saturdays with a carload of plants in 2013. Over the years I set up at Pieces, More Pieces, and Taos Fly Shop. Kristen Davenport and I have teamed up to do Vagrant Heart and Earthgoods since 2018. Come to think of it, the only year we haven’t set up was 2020. We did squeeze in a seed swap in mid-March as things were getting shut down, but a public gathering, even outside, was off-limits. Last year we were at Earthgoods again with a few other vendors. People were happy to be able to congregate and eager to get gardening! It was a beautiful day, and a lot of plants got into the hands of local gardeners. Let’s repeat that this year!
Summer CSA Shares
The deadline for ordering Summer Shares is April 15th! Tomatoes, peppers, summer and winter squash, cucumbers, eggplant, basil, chard, kale, lettuce, and flowers! Shop here:
Summer CSA Shares
Yellow cherry and Amish Paste tomatoes
Social Media
I’ve had an Instagram account for years, mostly to stalk my children (who rarely post, by the way), but I decided to start using it for ‘a little gardening, a little art, a gardening book forthcoming’. Don’t laugh. There are only 5 posts so far. My Insta
On Facebook, you can find nannie plants and Auntie Nannie’s Seed Exchange. FB is where it all began for the seed exchange. I was sure it would fail, so I quietly made a FB page as I waited for all 5 stations to go unnoticed. Boy, was I wrong! It’s been a wonderful trip, but as you know, I handed it over to Alianza Agri-Cultura de Taos last year. It needed new energy and it got it! Tyler Eshleman of Virsylvia Farm is the new ED there. He’s a young energetic farmer with vision, just what I was looking for!
Seed Exchange Stations
Speaking of the seed exchange, the stations are up all over Taos County! Trade your seed stash for something new and exciting! The motto is Leave a Little, Take a Little. Please don’t steal. Thanks.
Locations are:
Questa Public Library
Rael’s Store and Coffee Shop in Questa
Mid-Town Market in Arroyo Hondo
Red Willow Farm on Taos Pueblo (Tribal members only)
Rio Fernando Park in Taos
Re-Threads in Taos
Habitat for Humanity Re-Store Southside in Taos
Carson Cafe and Grocery in Carson
The SPOT in Peñasco
Talpa Community Center
Hopefully next year we will be able to have a big seed swap in addition to seed exchange stations, like the old days!
Until next time,
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